Passivhaus & GDeck
We are all cutely aware that we are in a climate emergency. Recent studies have concluded that buildings are a significant culprit of carbon emissions and indeed are accountable for 35% of total global energy consumption. That is a massive number.
In recent years there has been a huge legislative drive towards slashing energy use from buildings by improving the standards, materials and performance of every element within the building fabric. Passivhaus is the ultimate version of this modern-day construction method that embodies all of these requirements to ensure that todays houses are built to the highest standards of comfort and health whilst slashing the buildings energy consumption. Thousands of buildings have been certified to this standard worldwide and this will soon become the standard to which all new homes are built.
Gdeck is the most thermally efficient, least waste and labour cost EPS beam and block insulated flooring system, that can provide U Values of 0.09 w/m²K and be used as an important component within the Passivhaus envelope. Assisting in vital areas of thermal performance and air tightness GDeck offers advantages to the system builder and architect in specifying an insulated floor that is simple to construct, thermally efficient and compliant with BREL inspection and all as-built compliance documentation.
As a member of the Passivhaus trust we want to ensure that ground floors are built to the highest standards and form the basis of how all modern day houses should be built.
For more information on Passivhaus please click the link to the website below or contact us for more information on the GDeck system.

For your FREE no-obligation quotation email with details of the project, target U value for floor, number of plots on the site, timings and the dimensional ground floor plans for relevant houses, so we can provide you with costings.
CALL US 01443 441 491 OR EMAIL US