Committed to sustainability and the environment

The current economic and environmental climates are extremely challenging. Moulded Foams is fully committed to sustainability and the environment and is investing in low carbon emitting technologies to reduce its carbon footprint and speed up the journey to achieving Net Zero.

Being heavily reliant upon water and energy for the moulding process (creating steam for moulding) Moulded Foams operates resourcefully, being fully aware of any potential environmental impact, whilst continually measuring and monitoring all relevant consumptions throughout the business. Sustainability has and will always be an increasingly key part of its business strategy, driven by the reduction in CO² in both the products that it manufactures and the markets in which it operates.

As part of the commitment to ESG (Environmental Social Governance) Moulded Foams continues to work and reduce it’s global impact in all areas.

  • Carbon emissions.
  • Air and water pollution.
  • Deforestation.
  • Green energy initiatives.
  • Waste management.

Indeed these Key Performance Indicators form an integral part of Moulded Foams’ business reporting and environmental strategy.

100% of our electricity from renewables

We already purchase 100% of our electricity from renewables which we consider to be environmentally unambitious, so as part of our commitment and to further set Moulded Foams apart from its peers, we have reinvested in excess of £0.75M in the installation of solar panels at our manufacturing plants here in the UK, heavily reducing our use of carbon-based energies. Indeed, by the end of 2024, 50% of our total electricity usage will be generated from these solar arrays alone.

Additional investments in ensuring that our plants are ready for the move away from Natural Gas have also been undertaken as further evidence our commitment to saving energy, CO² and the environment.

Operating under ISO9001 and ISO14001

Operating for over 3 decades against the scenic backdrop of the United Kingdom, Moulded Foams holds its Social, Environmental, Human and Economic responsibilities forefront whilst manufacturing sustainable foam products.

Our fully recyclable foams have created solutions in numerous industries including Construction, Food, Automotive and Pharmaceutical to name a few, with products that save energy, CO² and even protect human safety with EPS being used to manufacture cycle helmets. All of these products play a vital role in our daily lives by keeping food fresh, Insulating the very fabric of our homes and transporting vital organs and vaccines across the globe. All of these positively impact on our lives whilst promoting and securing the sustainability of our planet.

Within Construction alone every 1kg of oil used to make EPS insulation will save the environment from burning 150kg of oil for heating the same building over its service life of 50 years.

As a privately owned business we will continue to invest and manufacture ethical products whilst engineering and designing future proofed solutions that look to answer the critically prominent issues surrounding climate change and sustainability in the environment in which we all live.


EPS is 100% recyclable and is 98% Air!

With growing concerns and awareness about the environment and climate change, expanded polystyrene (EPS) is increasingly being recognised as an environmentally sustainable option for many applications due to its lightweight nature, outstanding insulation properties and low carbon footprint.
In today’s modern, fast moving, throw away society, myths and blame are all too easily mis-associated to materials in our everyday lives without properly understanding the real impact they have on the environment. EPS is a material that is 100% recyclable that when analysed fully throughout its life cycle, from manufacture to end use and recovery, has excellent environmental credentials.

Did you know………………..

  • Using less than 0.1% of global oil consumption to manufacture, EPS can save up to 200 times its own resource in thermal energy saving, bringing considerable energy and resource-saving benefits.
  • No CFCs or HCFCs are used in the manufacturing process of EPS, which has an Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) of zero and Global warming potential (GWP) of less than 5.
  • The use of EPS for thermal insulation in the construction industry contributes significant savings on heating and cooling buildings and a drastic reduction in the emission of polluting gases CO² and SO²
  • Thousands of tonnes of EPS are recycled every year in the UK. As a single polymer EPS is straightforward to recycle
  • The manufacture of EPS is safe for the environment as only steam is used during the manufacture process.

The Moulded Foams Group has long been committed to protecting and enhancing the environment as a fundamental principle of the Company’s business. We believe that the Company has a responsibility to avoid compromising the ability of future generations to sustain their needs and as such we aim to meet and exceed the requirements of the International Environmental Standard BS ISO14001


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Our Blackwood, Cumbernauld and Peterhead sites are certified to ISO9001:2015

Our Blackwood site is certified to ISO14001:2015